World Trademark Review ranks Razvan Dinca, Irina Speciac, and Vlad Stanese among top trademark professionals in WTR 1000 2021

The latest edition of the World Trademark Review 1000 has ranked Razvan Dinca & Asociatii as one of the top trademark firms in Romania, stating that our law firm is “an imposing presence on the Romanian trademark landscape, primarily thanks to its formidable facility for IP litigation”.

Also, Razvan Dinca, Irina Speciac, and Vlad Stanese were recognized as leading practitioners.

The WTR 1000 analyzes the local trademark legal services markets in more than 70 jurisdictions worldwide, profiling the firms and individuals singled out as leaders in their respective fields. To arrive at the rankings, researchers evaluated factors such as depth of expertise, market presence, and the level of work, alongside positive peer and client feedback.