Our team provides legal assistance and representation in all aspects related to debt recovery, including the pre-insolvency stage, prevention procedures and judicial insolvency, reorganization and bankruptcy procedures, for creditors and debtors alike.

⦁ assistance with regard to filling insolvency requests;

⦁ assistance with regard to filling insolvency requests;

⦁ providing advice on strategies meant to ensure maximum debt collection for the creditor;

⦁ representation in front of creditors’ assemblies and creditors’ committees;

⦁ assessment of the legal feasibility of reorganization plans;

⦁ representation in front of the syndic judge and the higher courts in all disputes related to insolvency, reorganization and bankruptcy procedures.

⦁ Coordinating a team of lawyers both in Bucharest and in other areas of the country in an  assistance and representation project regarding insolvency cases for one of the largest banks in Romania;

⦁ Coordinating a team of lawyers both in Bucharest and in other areas of the country in an  assistance and representation project regarding insolvency cases for one of the largest banks in Romania;

⦁ Assisting an important credit institution in negotiating the restructuring of factoring contracts in which an insolvent debtor acted both as adherent and as assigned debtor, including by monitoring the way in which the bank’s receivables amounting to approximately 3 million EUR was registered in  insolvency  and by filing appeals in the insolvency procedure;

⦁ Legal assistance and representation of a credit institution in an insolvency procedure in which the bank’s receivables were in excess of 1.5 million EUR and the debtor was subject to injunctive measures ordered in criminal proceedings with regard to both tangible assets and the insolvency account;

⦁ Legal assistance and representation of a credit institution which held receivables in the amount of 25 million RON in an insolvency procedure which was controlled by companies from the same group as the debtor, including by filing and supporting appeals against the table of creditors, with regard to both the manner of registration of the bank’s receivables and the manner of registration of the companies from the same group as the debtor;

⦁ Assisting a major bank in the insolvency of one of the biggest Romanian construction companies, including with respect to challenges against measures of the judicial administrator;

⦁ Assisting a credit institution in a multi-million Euro liability litigation where it is accused of having caused the insolvency of an industrial player;

⦁ Legal assistance and representation of a major financial institution in complex insolvency proceedings including challenges against the judicial administrator’s decision to terminate a rent contract and liability claims.